
Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi (Dinasti Assanusi - Raja Libya) (1787–1859)

Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi 
(Dinasti Assanusi - Raja Libya) 
Mustafa Kemal as a Muslim hero, with Ahmed Sharif as-Senussi (left) and Saladin (right).

Ali ibn Abi Talib

Hasan ibn Ali

al-Hasan al-Muthanna

Abdullah bin al-Hassan

Idris bin Abdullah

Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi


Muhammad al-Mahdi
bin Muhammad

Idris I
of Libya
Queen Fatima
bin Ahmad
Abdullah bin
Muhammad al-
Abid as-Senussi

of NTC)
Idris bin


Sayyid Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi (1787–1859) (Dinasti Assanusi - Raja Libya)

was the founder of the Senussi order. The order was founded in 1837. Al-Senussi was born in al-Wasita near Mostaganem, Algeria,[1] and was named al-Senussi after a venerated Muslim teacher. He was a member of the Walad Sidi Abdalla tribe, and was a sharif tracing his descent from Fatimah, the daughter of Mohammed. He took his last name from one of his teachers, who hailed from the Beni Snous Berbers of the Tlemcen region. He studied at a madrassa in Fez, then traveled in the Sahara preaching a purifying reform of the faith in Tunisia and Tripoli, gaining many adherents, and thence moved to Cairo to study at Al-Azhar University. Unable to cross Algeria because of the French occupation, the beginning, the centre of Imam Mohammed Ali El Senussi’s call was Jebel Akhdar and he built a mosque in Bayda of Cyrenaica and named it after himself, then he moved to Jaghbub in Cyrenaica from where the mosques spread to the remaining cities of Barqa and Tripoli.[2] He built a great mosque and a university which came to rival Al-Azhar, but which was shut down on the orders of Muammar al-Gaddafi in 1984; at the same time, the graves and remains of the Senussi family were desecrated. After the death of Muhammad as-Sanussi his son Sayyid Muhammad al-Mahdi bin Sayyid Muhammad as-Senussi (1859–1902) became the new leader of the Senussi order, and moved it south from Jaghbub to Kufra.[1] His grandson through Muhammad became King Idris, the only King of Libya. 

ibn Ali


Muhammad al-Mahdi
bin Muhammad

Idris I
of Libya
Queen Fatima
bin Ahmad
Abdullah bin
Muhammad al-
Abid as-Senussi

of NTC)
Idris bin


Muhammad Al-Mahdi (Ayah dari Sayyid as Syarif Muhammad Idris)  
was the son of the founder of the Senussi Order, Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi. He was born in the town of Bayda in northern Cyrenaica, present day northeastern Libya, He succeeded his father after his death as leader in 1859. The Ottomans had forced the Senussi to leave coastal Bayda for the desert village of Jaghbub in 1856, where they built an Islamic university, mosque center, and palace. The later Senussi and Libyan leader King Idris was born here
Muhammad Al Mahdi bin Sayyid Muhammad es Senussi (Arabic: محمد المهدي بن سيدي محمد السنوسي‎), also Sayyid Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mahdi Ali al-Sanusi, (1844–1902), was the supreme leader of the Senussi Order between 1859 and his death in 1902 in Libya.
Ahmed Sharif as-Senussi

  • Ahmed Sharif as-Senussi was the grandson of Muhammad ibn Ali as-Senussi, who founded the Senussi religious order in Cyrenaica in the middle of nineteenth century. In 1895, as-Senussi accompanied his father, Mohammed ash Sharif, and his uncle Mohammed el Mahdi, then leader of the Senussi order, on their trip from Jaghbub to Kufra, where they remained until 1899, and where Ahmed’s father died in 1896.
  • On 1899 Mohammed el Mahdi and as-Senussi moved from Kufra to Zawiat Guru, in Chad, then to Bergo, aiming to check the French advance in Chad
  • In August 1918 he left Libya for Austria-Hungary, then to the Ottoman Empire, and at last to Hejaz, where he died at Medina on 10 March 1933
Sayyid as Syarif Muhammad Idris bin Muhammad al Mahdi as Sanusi al Hasani

Raja kerajaan Libya yang terakhir; al Malik al Amir Sayyid as Syarif Muhammad Idris bin Muhammad al Mahdi as Sanusi al Hasani RA (1889-1983), raja terakhir kerajaan Libya yang digulingkan oleh Muammar Ghaddafi, beliau wafat di Mesir. Beliau merupakan guru kepada Maulana Sayyid Muhammad bin Idris al Idrisi al Hasani RA. Beliau telah mengijazahkan seluruh ijiazah dan sanad tariqat, kitab dan sebagainya kepada Maulana Sayyid Muhammad bin Idris al Idrisi al Hasani RA dan beliau pula telah mengijazahkan kepada tuan guru kita Sohibul Fadhilah Syeikh Muhammad Rajab Akmal bin Abdul Halim al Idrisi al Ahmadi.

Inilah Salah Seorang Pemerintah Negara Ataupun Raja Yang Merupakan Ahli Tariqat Sufi. Baginda Ialah Al-Malik Sayyid Muhammad Idris Bin Muhammad Al-Mahdi As-Sanusi , Iaitu Salah Seorang Syeikh Ataupun Guru Kepada Al-Muhaddith Syeikh Dr Sayyid Muhammad Ibn Alawi Al-Maliki Al-Hasani Dan Merupakan Keturunan Rasulullah saw Melalui Sayyidina Hasan Baginda Lahir Di Al-Jaghbub Dan Merupakan Anak Dari Perkahwinan Sayyid Muhammad Al-Mahdi Bin Sayyid Muhammad Al-Sanusi Dan Isteri Kelimanya Aisha Bt Ahmad Al-Syrte. Nenda Baginda, Sayyid Muhammad Al-Sanusi Ialah Pengasas Tareqat Sanusiyyah Baginda Lebih Dikenali Sebagai King Idris (12 Mac 1889 - 25 Mei 1983) Telah Memerintah Libya Antara Tahun 1951 Sehingga Tahun 1969. Pada 1 September 1969, Ketika Berada Di Turki Untuk Rawatan Pembedahan Kaki, Baginda Telah Diturunkan Takhta Oleh Tentera Libya Di Bawah Pimpinan Kolonel Muammar Gaddafi Dalam Satu Rampasan Kuasa Baginda Telah Tinggal Dalam Buangan Di Greece, Kemudian Ke Mesir Dan Wafat Di Kaherah Tahun 1983. Para Ulama' Pernah Berkata Mengenai Muammar Gaddafi Bahwa:- ALLAH TA’ALA AKAN MENGHINA MUAMMAR GADDAFI KERANA DIA PERNAH MENGGULINGKAN AHLUL BAIT RASULULLAH SAW
RENUNGAN : Apabila Baginda Mendapat Tahu Tentang Penggulingan Kerajaan Oleh Kolonel Muammar Gaddafi. Baginda Tidak Ke Libya Untuk Merampasnya Kembali Walaupun Pendukungnya Jauh Lebih banyak Kata Baginda; "JIKALAU AKU KE SANA UNTUK MERAMPAS TAKHTA KU KEMBALI, IA CUMA AKAN MENAMBAHKAN LAGI KEMATIAN KAUM MUSLIMIN. AKU TAK MAHU IA TERJADI" Permaisuri-Nya Telah Menghantar Kembali Mahkota-Nya Ke Libya Dan Berkata; "SEKARANG AKU BUKAN LAGI DI LIBYA JADI BUKAN HAK AKU LAGI UNTUK MEMAKAINYA MAHKOTA LAGI


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